Sleeping in Pain? Find Out How a Pillow Transformed My Life


Just like you, about a year ago, I was sick of sleeping in pain.

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Every night when I would get into bed, I would toss and turn until I found the least uncomfortable position to sleep in.

That would usually be some weird contortion, because nothing I did would feel good.

Every night, I felt as If I had taken a severe beating before going to bed, my whole body felt sore and painful.

And we both know that it's not just the pain during the night... Do you feel pain in your lower back for half of your day? Suffering from a stiff neck? And even worse - sometimes I could not even turn my head to one side or another because of the disastrous sleep during the night!

Uncomfortable sleep took a toll on my life…

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The pain really affected my sleep. It led me to a vicious cycle of sleeplessness and increased reliance on medication. 

It became more and more difficult to focus, especially with all the different meds that I was on. 

Even my colleagues started noticing that something was wrong.

It got so bad… I thought that I would lose my job! And the constant worrying about it really didn’t help the situation OR MY FAMILY LIFE.

The more anxious I got about it, the worse I slept. And the worse I slept, the worse my body felt, I kept nagging my family and snapping at them. AND the pain became stronger with each such night!

Conventional solutions didn’t work 

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I started researching what could help solve my pain. I tried all sorts of natural remedies, massages, even physical exercise to make the pain go away.

I tried to take pain meds, which I didn’t really want to do, because I knew how much they would affect my body in the long run. I didn’t want to rely on meds. 

I’ve heard plenty from friends and the news to know not to mess with meds. Here's one of the videos I saw about the side effects:

I also tried exercising throughout the day - which would make me more tired and would help me fall asleep faster. However, with my busy schedule, it was really hard to keep up with.

My doctor even sent me to physical therapy! But even the specialist told me that any results I wanted to have would take years.

I didn’t have years - I needed sleep now.

At that point I had spent thousands on testing different solutions. And I was still in pain.

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So I was about to give up and live in a medicated daze my whole life.

But throughout my research, I kept running into one solution - a Zymme memory foam pillow.

What could some pillow do with my horrible pain? I showed the website to my wife and we laughed about it. 

Then we checked if anyone’s tried this pillow. Apparently, many people have and they loved it. My nephew helped me make this screengrab of some reviews:

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Lo and behold, a few days after our conversation, she surprised me with a Zymme pillow of my own

I didn’t expect much at all but…

My sleep quality improved ENORMOUSLY

Here’s my wife and I, happy with our Zymmes. Let me tell you how we got here. 

I was the first one to test the pillow. I couldn’t believe it but after just the first night, I experienced a remarkable transformation.  

I was finally enjoying restful nights and waking up refreshed each morning.

The difference is incomparable. My ability to sleep through the night had improved after years of struggle.

What surprised me the most was the difference that it made on my life in general. I was finally able to focus at work. 6 months later, I even got a promotion!

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And all that just because I was finally able to solve what was causing my pain.

I ordered 3 more Zymme pillows - for my wife, so she would experience the same relief as I did, and for my in-laws, who both had sleeping pains as well!

Why does it work so well?

My wife and I were SHOCKED at the difference. 

I was curious, so I looked at the studies about the different sleeping positions and spinal alignment. They tested the effects of a pillow with an ergonomically shaped design. Apparently, the Zymme pillow is the result of years of research. 

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Zymme aligns the head, neck, back, shoulders, and spine, to evenly distribute pressure. To promote deep, uninterrupted sleep by lessening the stress on the body.

Zymme pillow is made out of high quality memory foam which adapts to the shape of your body and  promotes the right sleeping posture.

This ensures that you can easily find a comfortable sleeping position and wake up without pain.

During my research, I found that I wasn’t alone in this.

Many people tried the pillow and it worked!

See for yourself:

Five stars

Neck pain relieved! Zymme is a game-changer for neck pain relief! It is sooo comfortable. Its ergonomic design perfectly aligns the head, neck, and spine. I wake up refreshed and pain-free. THANK YOU Zymme!

Five stars

This pillow really exceeded my expectations. Sleeping on zymme is like sleeping on a cloud. Since getting this pillow, I honestly had the best sleep of my life! -M

Five stars

Like most writers who sit on a computer 24/7, I have struggled with back pain for years. I needed to see for myself if this pillow was the solution, and it was! I was finally able to achieve a solid seven hours of sleep compared to my usual five hours. I woke up without neck and back soreness. This was the solution to me sitting 12 hours at a desk.

A MAJOR discount

As a special thank you for writing this article, the Zymme team promised me some discounts. For a limited time, Zymme is offering an extraordinary 50% discount on the Zymme pillow! Only for readers of this article!  

Remember, you DESERVE THE BEST SLEEP possible, and the Zymme pillow can make it a reality, like it did for me. Sweet dreams await!

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